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About Bonuses

The additional amount that is added to the policy holder’s guaranteed Sum Assured on a yearly basis during the term of the policy and payable at maturity, provided all premium amounts that were due are paid.
No, as the bonus rates are likely to change year on year.

About Our Products

Yes – Pru Edusave benefits can be dedicated to other financial obligations you may have as the lumpsum benefit is paid out to you or your nominated beneficiary to determine how best to utilize this money.
The bonus on a dollar policy is usually lower because the currency is stable compared to the shilling where Prudential strives to provide for the loss of value through higher bonus rate. This is intended to ensure that the final pay out remains relevant to your needs.

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Office Location

7th Floor, Zebra Plaza, Plot 23 Kampala Road, Kampala

Prudential Uganda is regulated by the Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda, whose main responsibility among others, is to ensure that insurance companies honour claims. Furthermore, Prudential Uganda is a subsidiary of Prudential plc, UK, a company that has been honouring claims for over 175 years.

© 2023 Prudential Assurance Uganda Limited. All rights reserved.