We’re here to help! Reach out to us with any questions, feedback, or inquiries you may have. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you.
7th Floor Zebra Plaza Kampala Road
P.O. Box 2660. Kampala, Uganda
4th Floor, George Courts Plot 34, Hannington Road Kampala Uganda.
2nd Floor, Mbarara City House Plot 6B Galt Road Mbarara.
1st Floor, Mbale resort building Plot 52A Republic Street.
0312251400 0800200052 (Toll Free)
7th Floor, Zebra Plaza, Plot 23 Kampala Road, Kampala
Prudential Uganda is regulated by the Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda, whose main responsibility among others, is to ensure that insurance companies honour claims. Furthermore, Prudential Uganda is a subsidiary of Prudential plc, UK, a company that has been honouring claims for over 175 years.
© 2023 Prudential Assurance Uganda Limited. All rights reserved.