Tetteh Ayitevie
Chief Executive Officer, Prudential Assurance Uganda Limited.
Dear Valued Client,
As we step into a new quarter, it’s crucial to reflect on our journey, celebrate our
milestones, and look ahead with renewed vigor and purpose. Last year, our collective spirit
was encapsulated in the vibrant rhythms of “TUSIMBUDDE,” a song that not only moved
our feet but also our hearts towards achieving our goals. This song, while a celebration of life’s joys, mirrored our ambition and resilience as we navigated the year’s challenges together.
2023 was a remarkable year for us, thanks to your trust and partnership. We achieved
an impressive Annual Premium Equivalent (APE) of 126 billion Uganda shillings and welcomed new members to our Prudential family. These milestones are not just numbers;
they represent lives touched, futures secured, and promises kept. As we forge ahead, our
commitment to you remains unwavering. We are here to support you, listen to you, and
prioritize your needs because you are at the heart of everything we do.
Traditionally at Prudential Uganda, we kick off the festive season and the holiday spirit with events designed to ignite our team’s enthusiasm. This year, in 2024, we began the ignition process at the grand Nile Hall in Hotel Africana, welcoming over 200 agents eager to embark on a journey of reflection, setting objectives for the new year, and strategizing on how to achieve them.
Coming off a stellar 2023, where PAUL contributed the second biggest APE for Prudential in Africa, our target for 2024 is set ambitiously at a colossal 71 billion Uganda shillings. Led by our Chief Agency Officer, Edgar Asiimwe, the event unveiled new initiatives such as the Executive Financial Advisor program, aimed at empowering agents, accelerating their MDRT qualifications, and boosting agency productivity.
CEO Tetteh Ayitevie commended the team on their outstanding achievements in 2023 but urged them to surpass these accomplishments, aligning with Prudential’s ambitious targets for 2024. Additionally, agents who qualified for the esteemed Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) were duly recognized, foreshadowing the forthcoming grand celebrations at the exclusive Prudential Awards and Leaders Promotions Gala Night on 15th February.
Simultaneously, the Commercial Team convened the Bancassurance kick-off event on 5th January 2024 at Hotel Africana. Adorned in white t-shirts emblazoned with the Prudential logo alongside those of our partner banks, the Bancassurance team gathered to celebrate their successes in 2023 and initiate their sprint towards the 2024 objectives. Groups brainstormed strategies to enhance persistency, increase case sizes, and distinguish themselves in banking halls.
CEO Tetteh Ayitevie, addressing the Financial Services Consultants (FSCs), echoed the call to exceed the accomplishments of 2023 in alignment with Prudential’s 2024 business targets.
Chief Commercial Officer Felicia Quarshie emphasized the importance of effective client engagement, relationship-building, and leveraging these relationships to drive policy sales.
To read more click the download button to download a copy of the newsletter.
7thFloor, Zebra Plaza, Plot 23 Kampala Road, Kampala
Prudential Uganda is regulated by the Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda, whose main responsibility among others, is to ensure that insurance companies honour claims. Furthermore, Prudential Uganda is a subsidiary of Prudential plc, UK, a company that has been honouring claims for over 175 years.
© 2023 Prudential Assurance Uganda Limited. All rights reserved.