Individual Life Plans


You may not know what tomorrow has in store but we can help you prepare for it with our life insurance products that provide financial protection and stability to your loved ones in case of any unfortunate and unforeseen events.

Plan Overview

  • At the expiry of the period for which you are were saving for, we will give you the money you have saved inclusive of bonuses.
  • Using the example of our Pru Edusave product, in the event of the untimely death or permanent disability of the parent, Prudential will pay 50 per cent of the Sum Assured for the child’s education, take on the responsibility of making the monthly contributions as well as pay the full maturity value at the expiry of the term.

Key features of – Individual Life Plans

Cover Requirements

For Principal

Individual Life Plans Benefits

Death Benefit

In the event of natural death of any of the lives on cover, Prudential shall pay 100% of the sum assured subject to applicable waiting periods.

Accidental Death Benefit

In the event of accidental death of any of the lives on cover, Prudential shall pay 200% of the sum assured. This benefit is not subject to a waiting period.

No Claim Cashback

20% of the annual premiums paid will be refunded to the client provided the policy is In Force and no claim has been made. This benefit is payable every three years.

No Lapse Feature

Provided the policy has been In Force for the first two years(24 months) with full premium payment, the policy never lapses thereafter. Benefits payable will be pro rated at the point of claim.

General Life Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

To have an increasing sum assured, please purchase the escalation rider. For an additional premium on this rider, your sum assured will compound by a fixed rate on an annual basis.
Yes. The principal member will determine the applicable covers for the other life assureds. However, if this rider is not selected by the principal on their cover, none of the other lives assured can have it.
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Office Location

10th Floor, Zebra Plaza, Plot 23 Kampala Road, Kampala

Prudential Uganda is regulated by the Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda, whose main responsibility among others, is to ensure that insurance companies honour claims. Furthermore, Prudential Uganda is a subsidiary of Prudential plc, UK, a company that has been honouring claims for over 175 years.

© 2023 Prudential Assurance Uganda Limited. All rights reserved.